If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one. This passage was in reference to the Trinity test of the atomic bomb, where Oppenheimer concludes, “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” However, what if […]
IPad 3 Rumors: Apples to Apples
Rumors are on the rampage about the Apple iPad 2 in production, yet Apple is sitting Cool Hand Luke style, both hands in their pockets, not saying a damn thing. The word on the Tech boards is the second generation model should be shipping out within the next couple months (March-April). From AppleInsider, we already […]
2020: Predictions for the Next Decade and Beyond
From the beginning of the millennium through 2010, we saw a lot of changes. We read about rising pollution, rising temperatures, and the inevitable depletion of natural resources. We experienced a landslide of new technologies, ranging from high speed 3G wireless to the introduction of consumer-based electric vehicles. Dave Evans, the Cisco Futurist of IBSG, […]
D’versions: Motor Madness, The Future of Motion
What was the defining moment that first began our love of motion? During the fleeing of a blood thirsty Tyrannosaurus Rex or the flirtatious cave-mating skip turned all out sprint to escape the advances of an ugly caveman. Perhaps it begins during our friendly competition for life as a tiny sperm with an organic 289 […]
What Does it Take to Turn Any Vehicle into an EV? I Ask Seth Leitman, Author of “Build Your Own Electric Vehicle”
Book Cover: McGraw-Hill Electric vehicles are a hot topic right now, but the problem is there really isn’t much to choose from other than a handful of hybrids and NEVs (neighborhood electric vehicles). But did you know that for the price of a new, bottom of the barrel, no thrills or frills subcompact car, you […]